
Recovery data not only helps prevent the risk of overtraining and injury but also tracks how athletes adapt to training. It is measured with the following metrics:

  1. Recovery or Readiness Score: Overall score about how well the athlete recovered during the night. Usually ranging from 0 to 100. The computations depend on the brand of the wearables used.

  2. Heart Rate Variability: Measure that reveals how the athlete's body responds to training, traveling, or stress. More info here.

  3. Resting Heart Rate: Number of times the heart beats per minute when the athlete is at rest.

  4. Blood Oxygen Saturation: Amount of oxygen carried in the blood.

  5. Skin Temperature: Body skin temperature. Variations reveal a lot about an athlete's recovery status.

HRV vs RHR: Current Baseline

The first graph provides valuable insights into your athletes' current status compared to their baseline. As we all know, the ideal performance zone lies in the right-center region, where the resting heart rate falls within the normal range, and heart rate variability is higher than usual.

Furthermore, this graph serves as an alert system, detecting significant deviations in both resting heart rate (RHR) and heart rate variability (HRV) from their typical values. By monitoring these indicators closely, you can promptly address any changes and ensure your athlete's well-being and optimal performance.

Whoop's Recovery Score

A good recovery (66 - 100%) will indicate that the autonomic nervous system is capable of handling high training loads, e.g. high intensities.

An average recovery (33 - 66%) means that the body has not fully recovered from the various exertions beforehand, but that it is capable of performing moderate-intensity training.

Poor recovery (0 - 32%) means that the athlete has not recovered from the training or race. It is therefore important to carry out a recovery day either with a short training session at low intensity or with a rest day.

Oura's Readiness Score

85 - 100 (optimal): You've recovered very well.

70 - 84 (good): You've recovered well.

60 - 69 (faire): You've recovered fairly well.

0 - 59 (Pay attention): You're not fully recovered.

It is essential to be very thorough and regular in wearing the device in order to have reliable data. Wearables often need a minimum of 30 days of history for the data to be accurate.

Last updated