
In this section, you can monitor and track various metrics that we compute, providing valuable insights into the athlete's performance.

Critical Power & VO2max

Comparing Critical Power (CP) and Maximum Oxygen Uptake (VO2max) on the same plot offers valuable insights into an athlete's physiological capacities and training zones. Both CP and VO2max are essential performance indicators, and having them on the same plot allows for a comprehensive understanding of an athlete's aerobic capabilities and endurance performance.

Max Power & W'

Comparing Maximum Power and W' on the same plot allows for a comprehensive understanding of an athlete's anaerobic performance profile.

Max power reflects the highest power output an athlete can generate during intense, short-duration efforts, indicating their peak anaerobic power capacity.

On the other hand, W' represents the finite amount of work that can be performed above Critical Power, showcasing the athlete's anaerobic energy reserve.

High max power indicates the athlete's ability to generate power during short bursts of effort, and a high W' suggests a greater capacity for sustaining high-intensity efforts above Critical Power before fatigue sets in.

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