
"A key issue of debate is the intensity of training and how the day-to-day training intensity should be distributed." (Esteve et al., 2007)

In this second tab, you gain access to comprehensive information regarding all the training sessions the athlete has completed during the selected date range.

Intensity distribution

In this section, you can delve into the distribution of training intensities through a visually informative pie chart. Each intensity segment's size corresponds to the cumulative duration of intervals performed at that intensity.

To the right of the pie chart, a detailed statistics table provides insights into each intensity, including:

  • Number of Intervals: Indicates the total count of intervals recorded for each intensity.

  • Total Duration: Represents the cumulative duration of all intervals within each intensity.

  • Average Duration: Offers the average duration of intervals within each intensity.

  • Average Power: Shows the average power output for intervals within each intensity.

This section empowers you to understand the distribution of training intensities, making it easier to track progress and optimize training strategies.

Intensity distribution by Type

In this section, you can explore the intensity distribution for each session type (cf here), offering valuable insights into the athlete's performance across different types of efforts.

The chart presents box plots for each intensity, and hovering your mouse over any of these box plots provides access to essential statistics, including:

  • Maximum Value: The highest average power achieved.

  • Minimum Value: The lowest average power recorded.

  • Average: The average of the mean power of the intervals of this intensity.

  • Median: The median intensity level, representing the middle value in the data distribution.

  • Quartiles: Indicating the spread and central tendency of the intensity distribution by dividing the data into four equal parts.

This chart is a powerful tool for monitoring session intensity and verifying alignment with planned training objectives. It allows you to quickly identify laps with excessive or inadequate power levels, helping you detect suboptimal workouts. By comparing the actual intensity distribution to intended training targets, you can make necessary adjustments to optimize future training sessions.

If you wish, you can uncheck the lap types to select only what you want to analyze.

Laps intensity by duration

The Laps Intensity by Duration scatter plot is a powerful visual tool that offers valuable insights into the athlete's performance during different intervals. Each lap is positioned on the plot based on its average power and duration, and it's complemented by the record power profile curve for reference.

In this scatter plot:

  • Duration: The x-axis displays each lap's duration, indicating the length of the training session.

  • Average Power: The y-axis represents the average power for each lap, reflecting the intensity level of the session.

  • Record Power Profile Curve: This curve acts as a reference line, enabling you to compare each lap's performance to the athlete's historical best power performances across various durations.

  • Color-Coding: Each lap is color-coded based on its intensity, making it easy to identify patterns and trends for specific lap types.

The scatter plot facilitates assessments at specific times, providing insights into performance variability and progress over time. It offers a clear view of how intensity and duration vary across different laps, aiding in the tailoring of more effective training sessions.

Towards the end of the season, the scatter plot becomes especially valuable for analyzing and understanding potential athlete mistakes. Unsatisfactory adaptations or suboptimal performances can be pinpointed and investigated in relation to their intensity and duration. This analysis helps coaches identify training patterns that may have impacted performance outcomes, guiding adjustments and improvements for future training cycles.

Filter by Session Type

In this section, you have the option to filter by session type and explore a variety of new plots.

Intervals intensity by session

This visual representation illustrates the power output of intervals within the selected sessions. The size of each dot corresponds to the interval's duration, while color signifies the associated intensity.

It not only highlights interval intensity but also underscores the importance of recovery periods between intervals. While intensity is crucial for performance improvement, adequate recovery is equally essential for overall training effectiveness and preventing overtraining.

Through this graph, you can investigate and interpret how the athlete responds to various intensity levels during sessions. The analysis offers valuable insights into training adaptations, fatigue levels, and recovery patterns.

This understanding is pivotal for tailoring and optimizing the athlete's training plan, ensuring it aligns with their evolving needs and goals.

Cadence versus Power

Comparing power and cadence in training offers valuable insights. Key observations include:

  1. Optimal Cadence Identification: Analyze the correlation between power output and cadence to identify the most efficient cadences for power production.

  2. Fatigue Detection: Monitoring power and cadence can help detect signs of fatigue. A gradual drop in power output during an effort or consistently high cadence may indicate fatigue or overreliance on high cadences.

  3. Actin-Myosin Activation: Combined power and cadence data provides insights into neuromuscular activation. A cadence too high for a given power output may indicate inefficiencies and increased energy expenditure.

Understanding the relationship between power and cadence allows athletes to optimize pedaling technique, manage fatigue, and enhance training and performance outcomes.

"Power is important, but cadence is what really counts. If you can maintain a good cadence, you will be able to ride faster and longer." (Fausto Coppi)

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